Wageningen UR Livestock Research
The mission of Wageningen UR Livestock Research is to offer fundamental, innovative research and practical solutions for sustainable and profitable livestock farming. Its areas of expertise are: animal nutrition, innovation processes, animal breeding and genomics, animal behaviour and welfare and livestock environment. The department Livestock Environment will join the consortium. It focuses on research on the relation between animal husbandry and the environment, particularly the following topics: manure treatment processes, anaerobic digestion, energy saving, production of sustainable energy, dust emission, ammonia and odour emission, CH4 en N2O emission, application of manure and mineral cycles on the farm.
Within the BiogasETC project, Wageningen UR Livestock Research will provide the test facilities at Dairy Research Farm De Marke for the duration test with regard to the operation of the digester and use of the upgraded gas. They will act as a sounding board for questions related to Dutch farming in so far as CCS will not be able to answer these.